Days Calculator: Days Between Dates

Days Between Two Dates

Start Date

End Date

Start Time (optional)
: :

End Time (optional)
: :

This date calculator calculator can help you calculate the number of days between dates. It can also help you determine the time in hours, minutes, and seconds.

Enter the start and end dates to find out the days between them. Tick the box to include the end date in the calculation.

If you want to include the time too, enter the start and end times. You can also choose the time now, noon time or the start of the day time.

This calculator is especially useful for those who are looking for daily life calculators like an age calculator or birthday calculator.

Days Calculator: excluding or including holidays

Start Date

End Date

Use this version of the date calculator if you want to calculate the duration between two dates excluding or including the weekends or business days.

If you choose to include or exclude the weekends, it will include or exclude the saturadays and sundays.

If you choose to include or exclude the public holidays, it will include or exclude these USA public holidays from the dates depending upon your choice:

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Memorial Day (May 25–31, floating Monday)
  • Independence Day (July 4)
  • Labor Day (September 1–7, floating Monday)
  • Thanksgiving (November 22–28, floating Thursday)
  • Christmas (December 25)Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 15–21, floating Monday)
  • Washington's Birthday (February 15–21, floating Monday)
  • Juneteenth National Independence Day (June 19)
  • Columbus Day (October 8–14, floating Monday)
  • Veterans Day (November 11)

Add to or Subtract From a Date

If you are looking to find the date by subtracting or adding the years, months, weeks, or days, you can use this calculator.

Simply enter the start date (also called the base date) and add or subtract the days, weeks, months, or years to determine the exact date.